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iPod Integration

Stereo Replacement
alpine ipod controlIf your vehicle allows for a stereo replacement, an iPod ready stereo can give you the best ease of use, sound quality, and convenience. Lock your iPod in your glovebox or center console for added security, and control all functions right from your dashboard. Song and album information displayed on screen.
External Controllers
alpine ipod controlAn external iPod controller like the Alpine EX-10 or the Harmon Kardon Drive+Play can be added to any vehicle. These controllers allow you to safely lock your iPod in your glovebox or center console while you retain full control of all functions including album artwork display.
iPod Interfaces
ipod interfacesThere may be an iPod interface available for your car that allows for seamless integration through your current stereo system. Some interfaces allow you to "track up" and "track down" from your dash, while others allow for 100% control of your iPod!
Auxillary Adapters
auxiliary input adapters for mp3 playersAn auxiliary input adapter is a great add-on for most factory car stereos because it allows you to connect the headphone jack of your iPod or any other Mp3 player to your stereo while retaining great sound quality. Ask about integrated charging cables!
FM Modulator (not transmitter)
fm modulatorIf you think there is no way to play your iPod without a cassette adapter or FM Transmitter, think again! An FM modulator is directly wired to your stereo for the best sound quality of any FM solution with virtually zero static. This can be added to any car.

Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, iPod touch, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

Movin' On Sights & Sounds, LTD.