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The Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act |
The Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act was signed into law in 2008. The purpose of this act was to make cars safer for children, who are injured or killed in non-traffic related accidents at a rising rate. The effects of this act are only starting to be enforced now.
Although we believe individuals and businesses should take it upon themselves to make their vehicles safer for everyone including children, many of these measures are now required by law. It is no surprise that action has been taken to increase safety requirements in personal and commercial vehicles; Since 2001 almost 1,200 children have died in accidents that were not even traffic related. These accidents included backups, power windows, and parking. This data was obtained from an independent study, as the government does not even collect data on non-traffic related accidents. Sadly, the real fatality numbers may be much higher. (Data from KidsAndCars.org)
 How you and your fleet can be proactive
One of the main concerns that the act has addressed has been rearward visibility. Although many newer cars will be coming equipped with backup cameras as standard features, fleets may be required to outfit their older vehicles with these systems to bring them up to date. Even on Long Island and in New York City, there have been several recent instances when a backup camera would have saved the life of a child or adult. It's hard to believe that vehicles with limited rearward visibility have not had this requirement sooner, considering how affordable backup camera systems are.
Although some of these requirements may not be enforced for another year, many businesses are proactively complying with these new safety concerns for the benefit of their employees, and the members of their community.
Use these resources to learn more about the Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act, and what steps you can take to bring your fleet up to date.